How to get same Mailer behavior for Jenkins pipeline

I started using Jenkins' declarative pipelines. Now I want to have the same email behavior as defined in Using the Mailer Plugin:

  • Each failed build starts a new email.
  • A successful build after a failed (or unstable) build triggers a new email indicating the crisis is over.
  • An unstable build after a successful build triggers a new email indicating that a regression exists.
  • If not configured, each volatile build fires a new email indicating that the regression is still there.

I read about Notifications in Pipelines , but it doesn't notify about it per the rules above. In addition, it does not contain the console output portion in the message body in case of a build failure.

Does anyone know how to do this in a declarative pipeline?


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1 answer

In the following code, you can use the mailer plugin in the mail section. This provides the expected behavior:

pipeline {
  agent any
  stages {
      stage('test') {
        steps {
          script {
              // change to 'UNSTABLE' OR 'FAILED' to test the behaviour 
              currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
  post {
        always {
          step([$class: 'Mailer',
            notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true,
            recipients: "",
            sendToIndividuals: true])




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