Mongoose staging encryption tool not invoked after aggregation
I have a mongoose schema with the 'mongoose-encryption' plugin, for example:
let someSchema = new Schema({name, age});
someSchema.plugin(mongoose-encryption, {
encryptionKey: 'eKey',
signingKey: 'sKey',
encryptedFields: ['age'],
decryptPostSave: false
After starting the model and repository, I tried to aggregate some query:
let aggregation = []; // just return all the docs.
someModel.aggregate(aggregation, (err, persons) => {
return persons;
As a result I still get an encrypted age field, a little reading showed that the "post" method of the "init" event is not called after the aggregation (as described here - "Middleware Middleway Documents" ).
Is there a good solution? or any other workaround?
the data MUST be encrypted.
aggregation is also required (in real life - searching for another collection)
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Since I didn't find a better answer, I changed my code (unfortunately, unfortunately) to decrypt the object myself - using the mongoose-encryption code to decrypt after the aggregation is complete.
Most of the code was taken from GitHub (so called decryptOne in my code): decryptSync function for mongoose encryption
The "trick" was to decrypt the internal search value - the internal document also has a "_ct" field that needs to be decrypted.
let lookup: { [innerField: string]: string[]; } = {
user: ['bio']
this.decryptAggregation(aggregationResult, lookup);
After decryption, my function gets the dictionary of a known search collection and its required fields. In this example, another collection named by users and its encrypted field is his biography.
decryptAggregation(res: any[], innerLookup: { [innerField: string]: string[]; }) {
for (let doc of res) {
this.decryptSync(doc, innerLookup);
private decryptSync(doc: any, innerLookup: { [innerField: string]: string[]; }) {
this.decryptOne(doc, this.encryptedFields);
for (let innerObj in innerLookup) {
if (innerLookup.hasOwnProperty(innerObj)) {
this.decryptOne(doc[innerObj], innerLookup[innerObj]);
private decryptOne(doc: any, fields: string[]) {
let ct, ctWithIV, decipher, iv, idString, decryptedObject, decryptedObjectJSON, decipheredVal;
if (doc._ct) {
ctWithIV = doc._ct.hasOwnProperty('buffer') ? doc._ct.buffer : doc._ct;
iv = ctWithIV.slice(this.VERSION_LENGTH, this.VERSION_LENGTH + this.IV_LENGTH);
ct = ctWithIV.slice(this.VERSION_LENGTH + this.IV_LENGTH, ctWithIV.length);
decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(this.ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, this.encryptionKey, iv);
try {
decryptedObjectJSON = decipher.update(ct, undefined, 'utf8') +'utf8');
decryptedObject = JSON.parse(decryptedObjectJSON);
} catch (err) {
if (doc._id) {
idString = doc._id.toString();
} else {
idString = 'unknown';
throw new Error('Error parsing JSON during decrypt of ' + idString + ': ' + err);
fields.forEach((field) => {
decipheredVal = mpath.get(field, decryptedObject);
//JSON.parse returns {type: "Buffer", data: Buffer} for Buffers
if (_.isObject(decipheredVal) && decipheredVal.type === "Buffer") {
this.setFieldValue(doc, field,;
} else {
this.setFieldValue(doc, field, decipheredVal);
doc._ct = undefined;
doc._ac = undefined;
After this function I got my decrypted object, the last thing to do is return the desired fields to the client - using lodash.pick
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