How to make a query time counter in MongoDB database using Pymongo?

I am trying to query my MongoDB database using a python script using a counter in a time range. I know there are some differences in translation, like adding "around keywords". But I think I don't know all the rules required to make fom python requests like this.

#! /usr/bin/python

import pymongo
import datetime
import pprint
import dateutil.parser

from pymongo import MongoClient

client = MongoClient('mongodb://HIDDEN')

myDateTime =dateutil.parser.parse(dateStr)

db = client['swiper']
cursor = db.multifeeds.aggregate(
        {"$match": { "action": 2, "$and": [ { "date": { "$gte": myDateTime, "$lte": myDateTime } } ] }},
        {"$unwind": {"path" : "$pagesSeen"}},
        {"$match": {"pageSwiped": "SMART"}},
        {"$count": "count"},

for document in cursor:
    print (document)


In 3T studio I have no problem getting the results:

enter image description here

But I get nothing on the terminal, as always when it is unhappy with my 3T / MongoDB queries ...

The desired output is an integer:



Do you have any ideas?

I called myself from:

In fact, I would love to use a parameter d

for a date or multiple for a day, month, year.


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