Skimage - strange results from the resize function

I am trying to resize an image .jpg

using skimage.transform.resize function

. The function gives me a strange result (see image below). I'm not sure if this is a bug or just a misuse of the function.

import numpy as np
from skimage import io, color
from skimage.transform import resize

rgb = io.imread("../../small_dataset/" + file)
# show original image
img = Image.fromarray(rgb, 'RGB')

rgb = resize(rgb, (256, 256))
# show resized image
img = Image.fromarray(rgb, 'RGB')


Original Image:


Modified image:


I've already tested the skin resizing, giving a weird result , but I think my error has different propositions.

Update: also the rgb2lab function has a similar bug.


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1 answer

The problem is that skimage is converting the pixel data type of your array after the image is resized. The original image is 8 bits per pixel, type numpy.uint8

, and the modified pixels are variables numpy.float64


The resize operation is correct, but the result is not displayed correctly. To solve this problem, I suggest two different approaches:

  • To change the data structure of the resulting image. Before changing the uint8 values, the pixels must be converted to a 0-255 scale, as they are at a normalized 0-1 scale:

    # ...
    # Do the OP operations ...
    resized_image = resize(rgb, (256, 256))
    # Convert the image to a 0-255 scale.
    rescaled_image = 255 * resized_image
    # Convert to integer data type pixels.
    final_image = rescaled_image.astype(np.uint8)
    # show resized image
    img = Image.fromarray(final_image, 'RGB')

  • To use another library to display the image. Taking a look at the image library documentation , there is no mode that supports 3xfloat64 pixel images. The scipy.misc library, however, has the appropriate tools to convert the array format to display correctly:

    from scipy import misc
    # ...
    # Do OP operations



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