Scraper using NightmareJS with NodeJS

I am trying to clean and store the results in my database. I am using NodeJS (sails.js framework)

This is a working example using cheerio :

getRequest('some-url').then((data) => {
    const $ = cheerio.load(data);
    let title = $('.title').each(function (i, element) {
        let a = $(this);
        let title = a.text(); // Title
        MyModel.create({title : title}).exec((err, event) => {


The problem with cheerio is that it does not act like a browser and does not display javascript-rendered web pages.

So I decided to try the js nightmare and it was a nightmare to do the same:

var articles = [];
    .inject('js', 'assets/js/dependencies/jquery-3.2.1.min.js')
    .evaluate((articles) => {
        var article = {};
        var list = document.querySelectorAll('h3 a');
        var elementArray = [...list];
        elementArray.forEach(el => {
            article.title = el.innerText;
            myModel.create({title : article.title}).exec((err, event) => {
        return articles;
    }, articles)
    .then((data) => {



The news is not defined within the function evaluate()

. the scoring function seems to only accept strings and News is the model generated sails.js


In addition, the array of articles is filled with the same data.

Is there an easier way to clean up a web page after rendering the DOM using NodeJS?


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