Xamarin Android. Breakpoints don't work in PCL but do work in Android Project

Breakpoints don't work in a PCL project, whereas I am debugging an Android project on an emulator and on a real device.

The project includes Mvvmcross. PCL contains ViewModels. An Android project and an iOS project contain views and some logic of their own. The breakpoint is not working in the ViewModel while I am debugging an android project. Breakpoints work in Android activity classes. When I debug an iOS project the breakpoints are working in the ViewModel and classes from the iOS project.

I have reinstalled OS X, Visual Studio and restored all packages in the project. I tried this project on another Mac and breakpoints in PCL for Android don't work.

If I debug some sample Xamarin project breakpoints work in PCL and Android project. I am using Visual Studio for Mac (version 7.0.1).


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1 answer

I had the same problems with breakpoints.

Check ur project settings for android:

First option

Second option

This works for me.



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