NgbDatepicker only shows months and years

I am developing an application using Bootstrap 4 components running Angular 4 and I am having a hard time configuring the NgbDatepicker directive to only show months and years, not days - like for credit cards.

I only want to select the month and year, I do not care about choosing a specific day.

My input looks like this:

<input id = "demodate" type = "text" name = "demodate" ngbDatepicker
# startDateDp = "ngbDatepicker" [(ngModel)] = "modelDate" />

I tried all the properties listed for the directive mentioned here.

but none of them seem to be helping me. Any ideas?


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2 answers

The existing implementation does not support month + year picking - it is date picker.

You can try opening feature request at



Well, there is no built-in support for this, but you can help yourself with CSS and navigate

event. It's not super nice, but it's functional.

<ngb-datepicker (navigate)="dateNavigate($event)" [showWeekdays]="false" class="datepicker-only-month-select"></ngb-datepicker>

In your component, you can catch the navigation event that contains the previous and new value:

dateNavigate($event: NgbDatepickerNavigateEvent) { console.log($; console.log($;...//old value is contained in $event.current }

Finally, in the global CSS scope, you can hide the calendar of the day (and add more styling as needed):

.datepicker-only-month-select { border: 0 !important;.ngb-dp-months { display: none !important; } }



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