How do I download a file over SSH from a remote server in jenkins?

I am using the Publish Over SSH plugin in Jenkins to transfer files to a remote server from the local machine and execute some commands on the remote server.

But there seems to be no option in this plugin to download files from a remote server to a local one.

Can anyone help how can I achieve this?


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1 answer

From a pipeline perspective, I have this workaround

First download the Jenkins server instance

stage("Download") {
  steps {
    fileOperations([fileDownloadOperation(password: "", targetFileName: "${params.APP_KEY}.zip", targetLocation: "${params.HOME_PATH}", url: "${params.ARTIFACT_URL}", userName: "")])


and then copy using scp instruction

stage("Download last version") {
  sshagent(['xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx']) {
    sh "scp ${params.APP_KEY_PATH}/${params.APP_KEY}.ZIP ${params.REMOTE_SERVER_USER}@${params.REMOTE_SERVER_URL}:${params.REMOTE_APP_KEY_PATH}"


For the sake of brevity, I avoid doing other steps that I change a little what I do But the idea is to do the following steps

  • Download the artifact (locally)
  • Unpack (locally)
  • Create a file with the script I want to execute on the remote server (local)
  • Copy the script to the remote server
  • Copy unziped artifact to remote server
  • Execute script


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