Formatting float string representation to match english with Clojure

The locale on my machine is sv_SE.utf8, I want the format to follow the en_GB.utf8 conventions instead of string formatting. Currently

(format "%f" 0.1) ; => 0,1



(format "%f" 0.1) ; => 0.1


It looks like I cannot pass the language for formatting. Is there any other way to get around this problem? I still want to use the format because of its other capabilities.


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1 answer

This works for me (my default laptop standard is set to fr-FR

, France!):

(import java.util.Locale)
; => java.util.Locale

(defn my-format [fmt n & [locale]]
  (let [locale (if locale (Locale. locale)
    (String/format locale fmt (into-array Object [n]))))

; => #'dev/my-format

(my-format "%f" 0.1)
; => "0,100000"

(my-format "%f" 0.1 "en-GB")
; => "0.100000"


Any good?



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