Hypnotoad and main namespace

How do I handle the main namespace under Hypnotoad?

I have this small server:


use Modern::Perl;
use Mojolicious::Lite;

use extmod;

sub hello
  say "hello";

get "/" => sub
  my $c = shift;



... and this module:

use Modern::Perl;

package extmod;

sub put
  say ">>put:";



A subroutine in a module tries to call sub in the main namespace;

This works fine under the standard mojo server. But not under Hypnotoad:

put: [Tue May 30 14:20:37 2017] [error] Undefined subroutine & main :: hello is called on line extmod.pm 8.

Is this a function? How can I see the global namespace in a module?


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