Hibernate and two classes mapped to one table

I have one table with multiple attributes. I want to have two classes to access these (exclusive) attributes.

@Table(name = "MY_TABLE")
public class Foo {

    private String fooValue; 

@Table(name = "MY_TABLE")
public class Bar {
    private String barValue; 


Basically it Bar

is a look at only some of the values ​​in the table. Foo

used to update other values, but Bar

used to view other values ​​(not generated using a Java application).

The problem is when trying to save Foo

with Spring the data repository:

public interface FooRepository extends JpaRepository<Foo, Long> {


I am getting an exception that is fooValue

set to null

. And I see in the magazines an insert with null

for fooValue

. I debugged it a bit and when I remove Bar

completely from the project the save works, when I add it again the save Foo

stops working.

So, to me it looks like Hibernate is raising the class Bar

even when I try to save Foo

. Why?

My stack: Spring Boot 1.5.3, Spring Data, Hibernate 5.x


source to share

2 answers

To be honest, I've never seen the same table mapped by two entities this way.

Typically you define inheritance configuration and work from there:

Main object

public  class MyTable implements Serializable{
  protected int id;


Foo object

public class FooTable extends MyTable {
    private String fooValue; 


Panel object

public class FooTable extends MyTable {
    private String barValue; 


This is a single table inheritance strategy that seems to be the most appropriate for your case.



If you want to avoid inheritance, you can also create two different classes with appropriate fields like FOO and BAR, make them @Embeddable and make one additional class:

class SuperFoo {
   //make some ID

  @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
  Foo foo;

  @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
  Bar bar;


Then you can just get one of these classes. It will look like a regular table in the database.



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