Save or update Mongoose

Is there a good way to save or update a document in mongoose? Something like what I'm after at the bottom

 let campaign = new Campaign({
        title: req.body.title,
        logo: req.body.logo,
        additional_question_information: question,
        status: status

 campaign.saveOrUpdate().then(function() { ... }


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2 answers

I think what you are looking for is called "upsert".

You can do this using findOneAndUpdate and passing in the {upsert: true} parameter, something like the example below:

let campaign = new Campaign({
        title: req.body.title,
        logo: req.body.logo,
        additional_question_information: question,
        status: status

    _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId('CAMPAIGN ID TO SEARCH FOR')
}, campaign, { upsert: true }, function(err, res) {
    // Deal with the response data/error


The first parameter to findOneAndUpdate is the query used to see if you are saving a new document or updating an existing one. If you want to revert the modified document in the response data, you can also add a parameter { new: true }


Documentation here for findOneAndUpdate:



You can use MongoDB findAndModify function. In mongoose this is supported by calling findOneAndUpdate (). Here is the documentation for it. Note that in the third argument, it expects the object to be passed with parameters. You want to use { upsert : true }

there to create a new document if it doesn't exist.



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