Extracting information from a text file via regex and / or python

I am working with a large number of files (~ 4GB) that contain from 1 to 100 records in the following format (between two *** - one record):

Origin: @z_rose yes
Text:  yes
ID: 95482459084427264
Time: Mon Jul 25 08:16:06 CDT 2011
RetCount: 0
Favorite: false
MentionedEntities: 20776334 
Origin: @aaronesilvers text
Text:  text
ID: 95481610861953024
Time: Mon Jul 25 08:12:44 CDT 2011
RetCount: 0
Favorite: false
MentionedEntities: 2226621 
Origin: @z_rose text
Text:  text and stuff
ID: 95480980026040320
Time: Mon Jul 25 08:10:14 CDT 2011
RetCount: 0
Favorite: false
MentionedEntities: 20776334 


Now I want to somehow import them into Pandas for bulk analysis, but obviously I will have to convert it to Pandas format. So I want to write a script that converts the above to .csv, looking something like this (User is the name of the file):

User   Type    Origin              Text  URL    ID                Time                          RetCount  Favorite  MentionedEntities  Hashtags
4012987 status  @z_rose yes         yes   Null   95482459084427264  Mon Jul 25 08:16:06 CDT 2011  0           false  20776334            Null
4012987 status  @aaronsilvers text  text Null    95481610861953024   Mon Jul 25 08:12:44 CDT 2011  0           false   2226621            Null   


(The formatting isn't perfect, but hopefully you get the idea)

I had some code work that worked based on its regular information in 12 segments, but unfortunately some of the files contain some white lines in some fields. Basically I want:

fields[] =['User', 'Type', 'Origin', 'Text', 'URL', 'ID', 'Time', 'RetCount', 'Favorite', 'MentionedEntities', 'Hashtags']
starPair = 0;
User = filename;
#Determine if the current entry has ended
    if(starPair == 0)
    if(starPair == 1){
        starPair = 0;
#if string read matches column field
if(stringRead == fields[])
    while(strRead != fields[]) #until next field has been found
        #extract all characters into correct column field


However, a problem arises that some fields may contain words in the [] fields. I can check the \ n char first, which will greatly reduce the number of erroneous entries, but not eliminate them.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!


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2 answers

Your code / pseudocode doesn't look like python, but since you have a python tag, here's how I would go about it. First read the file in line, then go through each field and do a regex to find the value after it, push the result into a 2d list and then output that 2d sheet to CSV. Also, your CSV is more like TSV (tab separated instead of comma).

import re
import csv


# read your file into a string
with open(filename, 'r') as myfile:

fields =['Type', 'Origin', 'Text', 'URL', 'ID', 'Time', 'RetCount', 'Favorite', 'MentionedEntities', 'Hashtags']
csvTemplate = [['User','Type', 'Origin', 'Text', 'URL', 'ID', 'Time', 'RetCount', 'Favorite', 'MentionedEntities', 'Hashtags']]

# for each field use regex to get the entry
for n,field in enumerate(fields):
  matches = re.findall(field+':\s?([^\n]*)\n+', data)
  # this should run only the first time to fill your 2d list with the right amount of lists
  while len(csvTemplate)<=len(matches):
    csvTemplate.append([None]*(len(fields)+1)) # Null isn't a python reserved word
  for e,m in enumerate(matches):
    if m != '':
# set the User column
for i in range(1,len(csvTemplate)):
  csvTemplate[i][0] = User
# output to csv....if you want tsv look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/29896136/3462319
with open("output.csv", "wb") as f:
    writer = csv.writer(f)




You can use a combination of regex and dict comprehension:

import regex as re, pandas as pd

rx_parts = re.compile(r'^{}$(?s:.*?)^{}$'.format(re.escape('***'), re.escape('***')), re.MULTILINE)
rx_entry = re.compile(r'^(?P<key>\w+):[ ]*(?P<value>.+)$', re.MULTILINE)

result = ({m.group('key'): m.group('value') 
            for m in rx_entry.finditer(part.group(0))}
            for part in rx_parts.finditer(your_string_here))

df = pd.DataFrame(result)


What gives

  Favorite Hashtags                 ID MentionedEntities               Origin  \
0    false           95482459084427264         20776334           @z_rose yes   
1    false           95481610861953024          2226621   @aaronesilvers text   
2    false           95480980026040320         20776334          @z_rose text   

  RetCount            Text                          Time    Type URL  
0        0             yes  Mon Jul 25 08:16:06 CDT 2011  status      
1        0            text  Mon Jul 25 08:12:44 CDT 2011  status      
2        0  text and stuff  Mon Jul 25 08:10:14 CDT 2011  status      


  • Divide the string into different parts, surrounded ***

    on both sides
  • Look for key value pairs on each line
  • Put all pairs in a dict

As a result, we have a generator of dictionaries, which we then transfer to pandas



The code has not been tested with large amounts of data, especially not 4gb. You also need a new one for the expression to work . regex



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