Consolidation of party rules

A simple example

                                                                                  "Petal.Width <= 0.6" 
                  "Petal.Width > 0.6 & Sepal.Length <= 6.2 & Petal.Width <= 1.3 & Sepal.Length <= 5.5" 
                   "Petal.Width > 0.6 & Sepal.Length <= 6.2 & Petal.Width <= 1.3 & Sepal.Length > 5.5" 


For example, in the second rule, two occurrences Sepal.Length

can be combined intoSepal.Length<=5.5

So, is there a way to consolidate the rules?


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2 answers

In the tree graph below, on the way to node 6 (the node whose rules you referenced in your question), we only store the points with Petal.Width

> 0.6 at first. But even then, node 6 does not include all other points with Sepal.Length

<= 5.5, but only those that also have Petal.Width

<= 1.3. In other words, there is an intermediate decay Petal.Width

between the two splits Sepal.Length

, so the first time is Sepal.Length

not redundant.

m1 = ctree(Petal.Length~.,data=iris)


enter image description here



There's my more efficient way, but these functions might give you what you want:

consolidate_rules <- function(tree){
  split.vars <- colnames(tree$node$info$criterion)
  split <-
  new.split <- c()

  for(i.split in seq_along(split)) {
   for (i.split.var in split.vars) {
    x0 <- split[i.split]
    x1 <- strsplit(x0, " & ")
    x2 <- grep(i.split.var, x1[[1]], value = TRUE)
    x3l <- strsplit(grep("<=", x2, value = TRUE), " <= ") # lower than
    x3g <- strsplit(grep(">", x2, value = TRUE), " > ")  # greater
    x3e <- strsplit(grep(" %in% ", x2, value = TRUE), "%in%")  # elements
    x4 <- c()

    if (length(x3e) != 0) {
      b <- sapply(x3e, "[[", 2)
      b1 <- gsub('"', '', b)
      b2 <- gsub("[c( )]", "", b1)
      b3 <- gsub("(NA,)|(,NA)", "", b2)
      b4 <- unique(strsplit(paste0(b3, collapse = ","), ",")[[1]])
      x4 <- paste0(i.split.var, ' %in% c("',
                   paste0(b4, collapse = '", "'),'")')

    if (length(x3l) != 0) {
      x4 <- paste0(i.split.var, " <= ",
                   min(as.numeric(sapply(x3l, "[[", 2))))
    if (length(x3g) != 0) {
      x4 <- paste0(x4, ifelse(length(x4) > 0 ," & ",""),
                   i.split.var, " > ",
                   max(as.numeric(sapply(x3g, "[[", 2))))

    tmp <- paste0(if(!is.null(new.split[i.split]) &&
                  ![i.split]) &
                  length(x4) >0) {" & "}, x4)

    new.split[i.split] <- 
      paste0(if(!is.null(new.split[i.split]) &&
            ![i.split])) {new.split[i.split]},

    rm(x0, x1, x2, x3l, x3g, x3e, x4)
 names(new.split) <- names(split)


You can call the function with:

ct <- ctree(Petal.Length~.,data=iris)


For node 6, the result looks like this:

                           "Sepal.Length <= 5.5 & Petal.Width <= 1.3 & Petal.Width > 0.6"


The result is "just" a string of rules, I don't know if you can use it in the same way as an object

. But I hope this miogt helps you.



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