What is Visual Studio 2017 replacement for Entity Framework database?

Simple question. I'm working in Visual Studio 2017 and while I know the database in EF approach is gone, I'm wondering what the replacement is. What I would like to do is generate classes from an existing database. I see this: EntityFramework Reverse POCO Generator is the correct option, or is there something in VS2017 that I should be using? I would have thought it would be obvious information, maybe I am looking in the wrong place ...

Note. I have an ASP.NET Core project but I am not using EF Core. I am using ASP.NET Core for the complete .NET framework and EF6.


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2 answers

You need to create a .NET class library for your EF6 code and you can add that Entity data model (with the database first) or use EF Reverse POCO in this case, but it should be the standard old version, csproj school project.



Add a class library to your solution. Add a new item to the class library and you will find the data template that contains the Entity model. Select and tweak (here you will find the "first database" option) the object model as before. It.:)



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