Sqlite - register_converters not starting on Python NoneType?

import sqlite3
import numpy as np

def convert_int(x):
    print('convert_int was called with {}'.format(x))
    if x == b'None' or x == b'':
        return -1    # minus 1 as placeholder for integer nan
    return np.int64(np.float64(x))  # np.float64 needed here as int(b'4.0') throws 

sqlite3.register_converter('int', convert_int)
sqlite3.register_converter('None', convert_int)  # attempt to tigger upon None
sqlite3.register_converter('NoneType', convert_int) # attempt to tigger upon None
sqlite3.register_converter('null', convert_int) # attempt to tigger upon None

values = [(4.0,), (4,), (None,), ('',), (1.0,)]  #

conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:", detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
conn.execute("create table test(p int)")
conn.executemany("insert into test(p) values (?)", values)

print(list(conn.execute("select p from test")))


outputs the following output:

convert_int was called with b'4'
convert_int was called with b'4'
convert_int was called with b'1'
[(4,), (4,), (None,), (None,), (1,)]  # 


convert_int () only called 3 times for non-None records? What required converter do I need to register in order to convert / parse the other 2 types of "None" to any alternative value? My attempts unfortunately don't work.


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1 answer

This is how the function _pysqlite_fetch_one_row()

in the /_sqlite/cursor.c modules
handles the value to be converted:

if (converter != Py_None) {
    nbytes = sqlite3_column_bytes(self->statement->st, i);
    val_str = (const char*)sqlite3_column_blob(self->statement->st, i);
    if (!val_str) {
        converted = Py_None;
    } else {
        item = PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(val_str, nbytes);
        if (!item)
            goto error;
        converted = PyObject_CallFunction(converter, "O", item);
        if (!converted)


The function returns for the SQL value ; in this case, the branch returns without calling the converter. sqlite3_column_blob()



if (!val_str)


So it is not possible to convert NULL values ​​to anything else.

Converters are designed to support support for other data types. If you want to get values ​​that are not actually in the database, change your query:

SELECT ifnull(p, -1) AS "p [int]" FROM test;


(No column, no table, this also requires PARSE_COLNAMES




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