Excel time format change automatically

I am currently working on an Excel application that can retrieve information on a sheet of my form and display it on a Screen sheet. So far, data can flow just fine except for one tiny quirk.

The display screen will show the data when the Execute button is pressed.
Here's a screenshot: Here's a screenshot.

Before rendering, the Time field on the form sheet is formatted as h: mm AM / PM. However, when I click Execute in Display, the Time format suddenly changes on the form sheet, as shown here: as seen here.

In addition, the format change is also visible in the Display table. I tried to set the format for both sheets and the result is the same.

Is this a problem with the SQL1 statement or coding in general? Here's some sample code.

Public Sub QueryWorksheet(szSQL As String, rgStart As Range, wbWorkBook As String, AB As String)
Dim rsData As ADODB.Recordset
Dim szConnect As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler

If AB = "1st" Then
wbWorkBook = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Inner Workings").Range("B9").Text
End If

Application.StatusBar = "Retrieving data ....."
'Set up the connection string to excel - thisworkbook
szConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
            "Data Source=" & wbWorkBook & ";" & _
            "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"

Set rsData = New ADODB.Recordset
'Run the query as adCmdText
rsData.Open szSQL, szConnect, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText

'Check if data is returned
If Not rsData.EOF Then
    'if the recordset contains data put them on the worksheet
    rgStart.CopyFromRecordset rsData

End If
'Close connection
'Clean up and get out
Set rsData = Nothing
Application.StatusBar = False
Exit Sub
'an error occured in the SQL-statement
MsgBox "Your query could not be executed, the SQL-statement is incorrect."
Set rsData = Nothing
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

Sub process()
Call clear
Call testsql("1st")  ' populate 1st Summary
Call testsql("2nd")  ' find Date+Time
Call testsql("3rd")   ' GET LATEST RECORD
End Sub

Sub testsql(AB As String)

Dim rgPlaceOutput As Range       'first cell for the output of the query
Dim stSQLstring As String     'text of the cell containing the SQL statement
Dim rg As String, SQL As String

If AB = "1st" Then
stSQLstring = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Inner Workings").Range("B2").Text
Set rgPlaceOutput = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("1st Summary").Range("A2")
End If
If AB = "2nd" Then
stSQLstring = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Inner Workings").Range("B3").Text
Set rgPlaceOutput = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("2nd Summary").Range("A2")
End If
If AB = "3rd" Then
stSQLstring = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Inner Workings").Range("B4").Text
Set rgPlaceOutput = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Final Summary").Range("A5")
End If

QueryWorksheet stSQLstring, rgPlaceOutput, ThisWorkbook.FullName, AB

End Sub

Sub clear()
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("1st Summary").Range("A2:BR5000").Value = Empty
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("2nd Summary").Range("A2:BR5000").Value = Empty
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Final Summary").Range("A2:BR5000").Value = Empty
End Sub


If anyone can help with this, I am very grateful.


Apparently this quirk is bigger than I thought. After more tests, I found out that the second summary sheet is also affected as it is here. as seen here... Although the lower half. The mystery keeps piling up ...


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1 answer

I think you need to take a look at NumberFormat. iirc add something like "DD / MM / YYYY" to Range (columns in your case). I'm on a Mac with Office 365, and although VBA is now in the app, there is no intellisense view, so if you don't know the Excel Object Model by heart, this is the royal PITA!



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