How to make a weighted sum when using groupBy in pandas

I put together an example because the context and details of my dataset might be too / unnecessary to explain in order to deliver my question. While my example may be silly, just know that the example illustrates what I hope to achieve (albeit on a much larger scale) and is very important to the problem at hand. For this example, imagine we have different users (represented by a letter in alphabetical order). Each user has multiple posts, and different users often share the same post. Then we come up with an importance score (either 0 or 1 indicating importance) and a reliability score (on a scale of 1 to 10). While it is completely irrelevant how these metrics are calculated for the sake of this question, imagine the importance, perhaps by analyzing content and contextual / current events,and reliability takes into account the previous performance of that source / user. It is unclear if there is a relationship between importance and reliability.

User       Share                      Importance            Reliability

 A         Carrots are                     0                     3
           good for eyesight

 B         Apple Cider Vinegar             1                     4
           is good for pain

 C         Garlic is good for breadth      0                     7

 A         Garlic is good for breadth      1                     6
 B         Carrots are good for eyesight   1                     9


The number may not make sense - apologies Regardless, I want to make some kind of weighted amount for each text that takes into account reliability and importance. To do this, I want to find each unique text (denoted by a shared column) and summarize the importance and reliability score for all users who shared that text. So I get something like:

A   6
B   13
C   0


I would love the sample code and suggestions on how to resolve this issue! Thanks in advance.


source to share

4 answers

First a few columns mul

and then groupby

+ sum


Column preference groupby

as Series

not a temporary column.

df = pd.DataFrame({'User':['A','B','C','A','B'], 
print (df)
   Importance  Reliability User
0           0            3    A
1           1            4    B
2           0            7    C
3           1            6    A
4           1            9    B

df1 = df.Importance.mul(df.Reliability).groupby(df['User']).sum().reset_index(name='col')
print (df1)
  User  col
0    A    6
1    B   13
2    C    0




It's only from



Project Overkill ... just raise that you didn't get it.
And please don't accept this answer! It's just my pleasure. Yes, I believe it can be useful to many others. No, I don't think this is necessary. @Jezrael's answer is what you want.

Use numba

to prevent optimization for a very simple task

from numba import njit
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

u = df.User.values
i = df.Importance.values
r = df.Reliability.values
f, q = pd.factorize(u)

def wghtd_sum(i, r, f):
    o = np.zeros(f.max() + 1, dtype=np.int64)
    for j in range(r.size):
        o[f[j]] += r[j] * i[j]
    return o

pd.DataFrame(dict(User=q, col=wghtd_sum(i, r, f)))


tiny data

u = df.User.values
i = df.Importance.values
r = df.Reliability.values
f, q = pd.factorize(u)
pd.DataFrame(dict(User=q, col=wghtd_sum(i, r, f)))
1000 loops, best of 3: 446 ยตs per loop

%timeit df.groupby('User').apply(lambda g: (g.Importance*g.Reliability).sum()).reset_index(name='col')
100 loops, best of 3: 2.51 ms per loop

%timeit df.Importance.mul(df.Reliability).groupby(df['User']).sum().reset_index(name='col')
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.19 ms per loop


big data

from string import ascii_uppercase

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(
        User=np.random.choice(list(ascii_uppercase), 100000),
        Importance=np.random.randint(2, size=100000),
        Reliability=np.random.randint(10, size=100000)

u = df.User.values
i = df.Importance.values
r = df.Reliability.values
f, q = pd.factorize(u)
pd.DataFrame(dict(User=q, col=wghtd_sum(i, r, f)))
100 loops, best of 3: 2.45 ms per loop

%timeit df.groupby('User').apply(lambda g: (g.Importance*g.Reliability).sum()).reset_index(name='col')
100 loops, best of 3: 14.1 ms per loop

%timeit df.Importance.mul(df.Reliability).groupby(df['User']).sum().reset_index(name='col')
100 loops, best of 3: 4.45 ms per loop




Just do:

df.groupby('User').apply(lambda g: (g.Importance*g.Reliability).sum())


Or you can create a product column and just sum it up:

df['Score'] = df.Importance * df.Reliability


(both assume that the same user does not use the same article more than once.)



As for the wording of your question, I think you want to summarize the product Importance

and Reliability

for each unique post and each unique user .

Here's a sample dataframe similar to yours -

df = pd.DataFrame({'User':['A','B','C','A','B'],'Share':['Random Post 1','Random post 2','Random Post 3','Random Post 3','Random Post 1'], 'Importance':[0,1,0,1,1],'Reliability':[3,4,7,6,9]})
       Importance  Reliability      Share       User
0           0            3      Random Post 1    A
1           1            4      Random post 2    B
2           0            7      Random Post 3    C
3           1            6      Random Post 3    A
4           1            9      Random post 1    B


First get a new column Product


df['Product'] = df.Importance.mul(df.Reliability)
       Importance  Reliability      Share       User  Product
0           0            3      Random Post 1    A       0
1           1            4      Random post 2    B       4
2           0            7      Random Post 3    C       0
3           1            6      Random Post 3    A       6
4           1            9      Random post 1    B       9


Now just group by Share

and User

and sum by Product

to get the desired result -

    Share      User
Random Post 1   A       0
                B       9
Random Post 3   A       6
                C       0
Random post 2   B       4




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