How to make pie chart with data border radius in highchart

I am trying to plot a highchart with a data border radius at both ends. For this, I named the rounded corners in tall charts , but I didn't get Round rounds after enabling the script and the redius option in the first data.

<script src=""></script> 
    borderRadiusTopLeft: 40,
    borderRadiusTopRight: 40,


Tried: jsfiddle

My requirements: I have to make the radius of the data border as shown below:

enter image description here


1. Read round corners only for the first data (both ends) in a highchart series.
 2. No white line between the two data is required (see Jsfiddle).

Your suggestion will be appreciated.


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1 answer

I don't think the pie can have rounded corners without changing the internal Highcharts code. However, you can achieve the desired result with a massive chart with some trickery - this type of chart tends to set rounded / square caps - solidgauge.linecap .

var gaugeOptions = {

chart: {
  type: 'solidgauge'

yAxis: {
  visible: false,
  min: 0,
  max: 2

tooltip: {
  enabled: false

plotOptions: {
  solidgauge: {
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false
    borderColor: '#0883ce',
    borderWidth: 15,
    radius: '100%',
    innerRadius: '100%'
series: [{
  borderColor: '#b9b9b9',
  borderWidth: 14,
  data: [1.5]
}, {
  data: [0],
  enableMouseTracking: false
}, {
  data: [1],
  linecap: 'square'


Live example and conclusion

solid gauge with rounded edges



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