Visual Studio C # auto-generated method adds "using System"; How do I disable it?

I am using VS Community 2017 Version 15.2

When I use the lightbulb suggestions or manually press (Ctrl +.), It generates a method like this:

using System;
public void f() {
    throw new NotImplementedException();


I want it to be like this:

public void f() {
    throw new System.NotImplementedException();



using System;


I looked through the settings as well as online but couldn't find this option.

I want this because I like to maintain a clean namespace. I don't want to manually delete the using statement every time I use this handy function.


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1 answer

Visual Studio does not provide this behavior by itself, as this is not normal behavior. However, if you are using Resharper , you can install it manually.

Resharper β†’ Option

enter image description here

(in options window) Code Editing -> C # -> Code Style

enter image description here

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