Performs std :: istringstream :: imbue on its own passed object

I am using Boost to convert a date of the form "01-Jan-2000" to a Julian number. The way I do it, use

int toJulian(std::string date)
    std::locale loc = std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new boost::posix_time::time_input_facet("%d-%b-%Y"));
    std::istringstream ss(date);
    boost::posix_time::ptime p;
    ss >> p;


(This is according to the examples in the Boost documentation).

But it's not clear to me if it is a memory leak or not. I have no explicit one delete

. Obviously, if the imbue

ownership of the pointer is transferred to the loc

stream, then it is possible that it is removed when it ss

goes out of scope.

Am I correct?



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1 answer

Short answer: No, but the std :: locale object does .

You want to look at

You are calling the constructor (overload 7)

template< class Facet >
locale( const locale& other, Facet* f );


The linked link is clear:

Overload 7 is usually called with its second argument, f, derived directly from the new expression: the locale is responsible for invoking the matching delete from its own destructor.

So yes, there will be delete

an object for you , but it is actually the instance std::locale

that does this, not the thread.



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