Calculate oversized total (split by order) in update status

I am trying to generate a total revenue by product subgroups with discounts listed in ascending order.

I used the following query

Update Z_Discount_Tool1 Set Cum_Net_Revenue_Discount = 
(Select Sum([Umsatz_Netto]) Over (Partition by [WUGR_act] Order by [Discount] From Z_Discount_Tool1)


However I am getting the following error

The subquery returns more than 1 value. This is not valid when the subquery follows = ,! =, <, <=,>,> = or when a subquery is used as an expression.

I cannot find the error in my code. So any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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1 answer

This is similar to SQL Server. You can use an updatable CTE:

with toupdate as (
      select dt.*,
             Sum([Umsatz_Netto]) Over (Partition by [WUGR_act] Order by [Discount]) as new_Cum_Net_Revenue_Discount
      from Z_Discount_Tool1 dt
Update toupdate
     Set Cum_Net_Revenue_Discount = new_Cum_Net_Revenue_Discount;




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