Assign a variable only if it is zero

there is something like this in Ruby:

@var ||= 'value' 


basically, it means it @var

will 'value'

only be assigned if @var

not already assigned (e.g. if @var

there is nil


I'm looking for the same in Kotlin, but so far the closest will be Elvis's operator. Is there something similar and I missed the documentation?


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1 answer

The shortest path I can think of is actually using the elvis operator:

value = value ?: newValue


If you do this often, an alternative is to use a delegated property , which only retains the value if it is null


class Once<T> {

    private var value: T? = null

    operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T? {
        return value

    operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T?) {
        this.value = this.value ?: value


Now you can create a property that uses it like this:

var value by Once<String>()

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    println(value) // 'null'
    value = "1"
    println(value) // '1'
    value = "2"
    println(value) // '1'


Note that this is not thread safe and does not allow backtracking null

. Also, this evaluates an expression new

, while a simple version of the elvis operator cannot.



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