Linear ordering of a directed multigraph of duplicate dependencies

Description of the problem

  • The specified vertices V

    , which can be thought of as "offer" names.

  • Specified weights:

data W
  = Requires     -- ^ Denotes that a "proposition" depends on another.
  | Invalidates  -- ^ Denotes that a "proposition" invalidates another.


In linear order, if A requires B, then B must come before A, conversely, if A is not valid B, then B must come after A.

  1. For a weighted directed multigraph (multidigraph) with no more than two parallel edges ... If a vertex can only require the inclusion of another vertex once and incorrectly outputs another vertex once ...
G = (V, E)
E = (V, V, W)


  1. Or alternatively presented as an oriented cyclical chart without self-learning and where only cycles are formed directly between one vertex and another. With weights changed to:
data W
  = Requires      -- ^ Denotes that a "proposition" depends on another.
  | InvalidatedBy -- ^ Denotes that a "proposition" is invalidated by another.


Considering that vertices can occur more than once in order ... How can you construct a linear order from such a graph?

In addition, if the tail of the linear ordering ends with a vertex V that was turned on because it was invalidatedBy at another vertex, then it can be omitted if the head of the order starts with V.

Some desirable properties:

  • Minimal - there should be as little duplication of vertices as possible
  • Stability - the order should be as close as possible to the order between the vertices at the same "level" in which the graph was built
  • Runtime - the number of vertices is not that large, but still ... the complexity of execution should be as low as possible.

If different algorithms perform them to varying degrees, I would like to see them all with their compromise.

Algorithms written in any language or pseudocode are welcome.

Examples of graphs:

Example graph 1:

B `requires`    A
C `requires`    A
D `requires`    A
E `invalidates` A
F `invalidates` A
G `invalidates` A


With minimal linear order: [A, B, C, D, E, F, G]

Example graph 2:

C `requires`    A
C `invalidates` A
B `requires`    A


With minimal linear order: [A, B, C]

Example graph 3:

B `requires`    A
B `invalidates` A
C `requires`    A
C `invalidates` A


With minimal linear order: [A, B, A, C]

Naive implementation

A naive implementation builds a linear ordering starting at all nodes with no incoming edges and for all those nodes:

  • selects all outgoing edges
  • splits them into require / invalidates
  • creates a linear ordering "requires" and puts it first
  • adds the current node
  • builds the linear ordering "invalidates" and adds it.

Here's a Haskell implementation of this description:

import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph

fboth :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> (f a, f a) -> (f b, f b)
fboth f = fmap f *** fmap f

outs :: Graph gr => gr a b -> Node -> (Adj b, a)
outs gr n = let (_, _, l, o) = fromJust $ fst $ match n gr in (o, l)

starts :: Graph gr => gr a b -> [(Adj b, a)]
starts gr = filter (not . null . fst) $ outs gr <$> nodes gr

partW :: Adj W -> (Adj W, Adj W)
partW = partition ((Requires ==) . fst)

linearize :: Graph gr => gr a W -> [a]
linearize gr = concat $ linearize' gr <$> starts gr

linearize' :: Graph gr => gr a W -> (Adj W, a) -> [a]
linearize' gr (o, a) = concat req ++ [a] ++ concat inv
  where (req, inv) = fboth (linearize' gr . outs gr . snd) $ partW o


The ordering can then be optimized by removing equal consecutive values ​​like so:

-- | Remove consecutive elements which are equal to a previous element.
-- Runtime complexity: O(n), space: O(1)
removeConsequtiveEq :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
removeConsequtiveEq = \case
  []    -> []
  [x]   -> [x]
  (h:t) -> h : ug h t
    ug e = \case
      []     -> []
      (x:xs) | e == x    ->     ug x xs
      (x:xs) | otherwise -> x : ug x xs


Edit: using DCG, SCC and the top

With the algorithm described by @Cirdec:

  • For a given cyclic graph (DCG), where edges of shape: (f, t)

    mean what f

    must come before t

    in the ordering.

  • Calculate condensation

    DCG in 1.

  • Turn each SSC into condensation

    a 2. into a palindrome.

  • Calculate the top line of the graph in 3.

  • Merge the computed ordering.

In Haskell:

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}

import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree
import Data.Graph.Inductive.NodeMap
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS

data MkEdge = MkEdge Bool Int Int
req = MkEdge True
inv = MkEdge False

toGraph :: [MkEdge] -> [(Int, Int, Bool)] -> Gr Int Bool
toGraph edges es = run_ empty nm
  where ns = nub $ edges >>= \(MkEdge _ f t) -> [f, t]
        nm = insMapNodesM ns >> insMapEdgesM es

-- | Make graph into a directed cyclic graph (DCG).
-- "Requires"    denotes a forward  edge.
-- "Invalidates" denotes a backward edge.
toDCG :: [MkEdge] -> Gr Int Bool
toDCG edges = toGraph edges $
  (\(MkEdge w f t) -> if w then (t, f, w) else (f, t, w)) <$> edges

-- | Make a palindrome of the given list by computing: [1 .. n] ++ [n - 1 .. 1].
-- Runtime complexity: O(n).
palindrome :: [a] -> [a]
palindrome = \case
  [] -> []
  xs -> xs ++ tail (reverse xs)

linearize :: Gr Int a -> [Int]
linearize dcg = concat $ topsort' scc2
  where scc  = nmap (fmap (fromJust . lab dcg)) $ condensation dcg
        scc2 = nmap palindrome scc


For a graph g2


g2 = [ 2 `req` 1
     , 2 `inv` 1
     , 3 `req` 1
     , 3 `inv` 1
     , 4 `req` 1
     , 5 `inv` 1

> prettyPrint $ toDCG g2

> prettyPrint $ condensation $ toDCG g2

> linearize $ toDCG g2


This ordering is not minimal and invalid, as the ordering breaks dependencies. 5

nullifies 1

it depends on 2

. 2

will cancel 1

, which 4

depends on.

Allowable minimum and ordering: [1,4,2,1,3,5]

. By moving the list to the right, we get [5,1,4,2,1,3]

which is also a valid order.

If the direction is reversed schedule, the order becomes: [4,2,1,3,1,2,5]

. This is not a valid order ... On boundaries can happen 5

and then 4

, but 5

invalidates 1

which 4

depends on.


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1 answer

I believe the following algorithm will find the minimum row of vertices in linear time:

  • Decompose the graph into its strongly connected components. Existing algorithms do this in linear time.

  • In every tightly coupled component, every node must be listed both before and after every other node. List the nodes of [1..n]

    each tightly coupled component in the following order[1..n] ++ [n-1..1]

  • Combine strongly connected components together in order of topological type. Existing algorithms topologically sort directed acyl graphs like this in linear time.



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