Reduks generates pre-filled data

I am using redux form, when loading component I get values โ€‹โ€‹for my text fields from api response, when I have these values โ€‹โ€‹filled and submitted since I have not touched the fields - I see validation errors - how are they empty - how to pass these existing values โ€‹โ€‹to props?

const emailValfromapi = && ? : [];
    const { handleSubmit, fields: { email, abc, def, etc } } = this.props;
            <fieldset className="form-group">
                          <div className="input-wrapper">
                            <input value={emailValfromapi} id="email" {} type="email" className={email.touched && email.error ? 'error-red' : ''} required />
                            <label className="input-label" htmlFor="Email">To</label>
                            { email.touched && email.error && <div className="alert-danger"> { email.error } </div> }



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2 answers

In redux-form

you don't pass the values โ€‹โ€‹for the inputs themselves, but instead use a componentField

to wrap the inputs and let the library handle the data bindings. In this case, the input is populated but redux-form

is unaware of its existence because it is not wrapped in a component Field

. In this example, you are good at basic component usage Field


Also, to pass initial values โ€‹โ€‹to the form component, you need to use a initialValues

prop (best described in this example ).

Hope this helps!



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