How to update cordova-ios version in visual studio 2015 cordova project?

I am developing an ios app using the cordova pattern in visual studio 2015. I have set up a mac book as described in this link. . The installed version of xcode is 8.3. when i try to run my app in ios simulator getting the following error. so how to fix this please help .thanks.

Error: Remote build error from build server. The build failed with an error. The remote architecture requires your projects to use cordova-ios 4.3.0 or later with XCode 8.3. Update your version of cordova-ios.


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2 answers

From this link, you can see how to update cordova:

npm update -g cordova


In the following link you can find instructions for updating ios cordova. Basically it is just removing the ios platform and adding it back for projects built with Cordova 4.x version:

cordova platform rm ios
cordova platform add ios


For older versions use:

cordova platform update ios




Visual Studio 2015 was forcing version 4.1.1 for cordons.

This worked for me on the command line:

cordova platform add ios@4.3.1


cordova-ios 4.3.1

Note: And I removed the "bld" folder from the cordova project.



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