Vue js on click get html5 attribute

I am making a project using the latest vuejs. In this project, I want to get the html5 attribute that binds the vue on the click event.

my button code

<a href="javascript:" class="btn btn-info btn-xs" @click="editModal"
          <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>


and my js

var staffModal = new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
    editModal: function(){


In my console, I am getting undefined. How to get the correct value.


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3 answers

The MouseEvent instance is passed as the first parameter to the click event handler. Use a function getAttribute

to access the attribute.

will point to <i>

and MouseEvent.currentTarget

to <a>

(the element to which the event listener is connected). Change your editModal method to:

editModal: function(e) {


BTW: use - (dash) not _ (underscore) to create data attributes: correct is data-id




Something is wrong with your code. Start with HTML code.

When you need to interpolate an attribute, you must use v-bind. Thus, you have two ways to do it. Using v-bind:attribute="expression"

or shorthand :attribute="expression"

. Using it attribute="{{ expression }}"

will definitely not work.

One more important thing: to use the name of the custom attribute, you should use data-custom-attribute-name

instead data_custom-attribute-name


<div id="app">
    class="btn btn-info btn-xs"
    Click me!


Now release the JS. From your question, I couldn't know where the $ staff variable comes from, so I made an adaptation to demonstrate.

new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  methods: {
    editModal: function(event){
      // Here you will be able to see all the
      // custom attributes in camelCase
  data () {
    return {
      staff: {
        id: 'some id',
        name: 'Name of my amazing custom attribute'


You can check the working version here:

Hope it helps!



Getting an attribute id

from a data attribute is fine and will work, but my question would be why? You are using Vue, so use Vue. You can transfer id


<a class="btn btn-info btn-xs" @click="editModal({{$staff->id}})">
  <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>


And your Vue code will become

methods: {
    editModal: function(id){


Now you don't have to worry about what a data attribute is. This is DOM manipulation that you usually avoid when using Vue because it is optional.

Note. I am assuming you are using laravel or something like that, so when {{$staff->id}}

displayed, it appears as yours id




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