MySQL: find mean after removing top and bottom nth% of data

I have a table with 3 columns: list_num, sales_price and days_on_market

I want to run a single query that will print a single number for the average of the column "days_on_market" with the top 5% and bottom 5% of the rows removed in the "sales_price" order.

I found an example that I think will help here, but the answer is too complex for me to understand (I just started learning mySQL last week). Here's an example here .

Here is my code:

SELECT round(avg(days_on_market),0) as "90% Sell In"
FROM sold_q3_2016
WHERE list_num NOT IN (
    SELECT list_num FROM sold_q3_2016 ORDER BY sales_price LIMIT (count(list_num)*0.05)
    ) OR list_num NOT IN (
    SELECT list_num FROM sold_q3_2016 ORDER BY sales_price desc LIMIT (count(list_num)*0.05)


Now I can't even run this as I get a syntax error around the count function inside the LIMIT clause, but I wanted to leave it here to show my thought process. Any ideas?


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1 answer

Try with this:

SELECT AVG(days_on_market) 
    , @rownumber := @rownumber + 1 AS rownumber
    FROM list_num l
    , (SELECT @rownumber := 0) var_init_subquery
    ORDER BY sales_price DESC
) subquery_alias
WHERE rownumber >= @rownumber * 0.05
AND rownumber <= @rownumber * 0.95




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