PowerShell Help files do not display correctly

Tested in PowerShell 4.0, 5.0 on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012:

help *-wmiobject*



man *-job*


The help file does not display the results correctly after clearing the screen. Re-run the command and it works as expected.

Get-Help is unaffected.


What is the reason for this?



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2 answers

Funny mistake. The reason (presumably) is that the search progress bar "Search for Help" is updated after Powershell displays the call results help()

, effectively clearing 8 lines from line # 2 to # 9 from the top. The workaround is the result in a temporary variable.

$temp=help *-wmiobject; $temp


This ensures that the function exits before displaying the material, so the progress bar is removed from the window.

UPDATE: There is no error if you did not supply asterisks in the argument help

. Therefore, an error can occur because the mapping is performed in the "Process" part help()

, and the code that clears the progress bar is in the "End" part of the function.



I can reproduce this on a 64-bit Windows 8.1 machine on both PowerShell consoles (32/64-bit)

The short version is a more.com

DOS command
that is used by man

and help

but not Get-Help


Get-Help, help, man: what's the difference?
Better explained by Don Jones * and this Script Fanatic post :

differences explained

you run (Get-ChildItem function:\help).definition

, as described in a blog post, you'll see it at the bottom:

Get-Help @PSBoundParameters | more



basically binds parameters to Get-Help

Cmdlet and pipe to more

. So, as you posted, you will have the same problem if you use:

Get-Help *et-WmiObjec* | more # doesn't work


I suppose it Get-Help

uses Out-Host

the default for outputting information (quote needed). Usage Write-Output

also works.

help *-wmiobject* | Out-Host # works

man *-wmiobject* | Out-Host # works 


Finally, this appears to be an issue where multiple results are returned man

/ help


man get-WmiObject # works


I recommend checking the documentation and helping out with this. From the results, (Get-ChildItem function:\more).definition

I suspect it has to do with handling arrays / objects line by line, but that depends on my knowledge.


$OutputEncoding = [System.Console]::OutputEncoding

    foreach ($file in $paths)
        Get-Content $file | more.com
    $input | more.com


* PowerShell Lunch Month, 2nd ed., P. 23



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