The dirty flag grid is not updated

I am having problems manually configuring / removing the dirty flag indicator in a Kendo web control.

I added a tutorial to keep dirty indicators to enable additional validation on the field value

during an event dataSource.change


  • Previously saved value

    (containing id

    ) that was changed to 0 is a valid dirty flag ( e.items[0].id > 0 && e.items[0].value === 0

  • A value

    entered with a value greater than 0 is a valid dirty flag ( e.items[0].value > 0

  • Any other instance is value

    not a valid dirty flag and should therefore be removed
  • If the user left the field value

    "empty", that is "null", change the value to 0 ( if (!e.items[0].value) {e.items[0].value = 0;}


With these changes applied, the event change

now looks like this:

change: function (e) {
    if (e.action == "itemchange") {                
        if ((e.items[0].id > 0 && e.items[0].value === 0) || e.items[0].value > 0) {
            e.items[0].dirtyFields = e.items[0].dirtyFields || {};
            e.items[0].dirtyFields[e.field] = true;
            _dirty = true;
        else {
            if (!e.items[0].value) {
                e.items[0].value = 0;
            e.items[0].dirty = false;
            e.items[0].dirtyFields = e.items[0].dirtyFields || {};
            e.items[0].dirtyFields[e.field] = false;


After making these changes, I see a function dirtyField

(which is a column template

of a value column), and can also display the corresponding values true

/ false

and the corresponding ones (which I thought should set / remove the "dirty flag" from the corresponding cells):

function dirtyField(data, fieldName){
    if(data.dirty && data.dirtyFields[fieldName]){
        return "<span class='k-dirty'></span>"
        return "";


However, the dirty flag is not removed until another cell in the grid is changed.

Here's a Dojo example to demonstrate the problem. To reproduce:

  • Enter a value greater than 0 on the second line value

    (sets a dirty flag)
  • Remove value from second line value

    ("dirty flag" left โ†’> based on event logic change

  • Enter a value greater than 0 in the third row value

    (sets the dirty flag in the current cell, removes the dirty flag in the cell in the second row value


source to share

1 answer

Your event DataSource.change

is called before the grid cell is closed. This way you update grid and cell changes that are not showing properly in the UI.

You have to move the mesh update to the mesh cellClose

. Then the grid update is called after the cell is closed and everything works correctly.

    dataSource: dataSource,
    sortable: true,
    pageable: true,
    navigatable: true,
    height: 400,            
    columns: [
        { field: "value", title: "Value", editor: decimal_NumberEditor, format: '{0:n2}', attributes: { class: "editable-cell" }, template: "#=dirtyField(data,'value')# #:value#" }],
    editable: true,
    cellClose: function(e) {


Here's an example of working with event logging to better understand what's going on. See JS Console:



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