What's the best way to organize multiple ASP.NET MVC Model Viewers in a single view?

My application has a main panel made up of 8 different partial views; each supported by their own view model and in my controller I just call

public ActionResult mainDashboard(){
 return View()


to return the panel. My question is, has it been recommended to create a dashboard view model that also contains links to the partial view view models? What is considered the recommended best practice in this situation?


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1 answer

Ohkk is also a good idea to use html.Action

instead ofhtml.partial

It will look something like this:

public ActionResult Dashboard()
    return View();

public PartialViewResult Clubs()
    return PartialView(db.Clubs.ToList());//this assumes the partial view is named Clubs.cshtml, otherwise you'll need to use the overload where you pass the view name

public PartialViewResult Alerts()
    return PartialView(db.Alerts.ToList());



<div class="dashboard_alerts">    


<div class="dashboard_pending_clubs">    

<div class="dashboard_verified_members">    



You will need to create a ViewModel for the Dashboard page in a more efficient way.

public class DashboardViewModel
  public IEnumerable<GMC.Models.Clubs> Clubs { get; set; }
  public IEnumerable<GMC.Models.MemberUsers> Users  { get; set; }
  public IEnumerable<GMC.Models.Alerts> Alerts  { get; set; }


Then, in the Dashboard action method, you will populate each list:

myModel.Users = db.MemberUsers.ToList();


... Then you will need to update the View to use this new ViewModel

 @model DashboardViewModel


Finally, from within the view, you will need to pass data to each particle:

@Html.Partial("DashboardAlerts", Model.Alerts)

@Html.Partial("DashboardClubs", Model.Clubs)




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