HTTP client library for C ++

I am trying to write an HTTP proxy with firmware for learning C ++ / socket / HTTP

I'm looking for an HTTP client library like HttpURLConnection available in Java.

I've looked at some libraries like libcurl for C / C ++. These libraries can make an HTTP request, but they return full content. I need a library that can partially read the content in the buffer so that I can send it immediately to the requesting client without keeping all the content in memory.

Any links / suggestions are much appreciated :)

Thank you!


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3 answers

The libcurl docs has a sample page on how to get incremental load callbacks (into a memory buffer) as data streams from a request:

In your case, you are simply forwarding the data buffer to the client who originally made the request.



Beast is an open source C ++ library that supports the desired functionality. It has a "Writer" concept that supports suspend and resume, incremental body and coroutine rendering:

The library is located here:

Here's a complete sample program:

#include <beast/http.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
    // Normal boost::asio setup
    std::string const host = "";
    boost::asio::io_service ios;
    boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver r(ios);
    boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket sock(ios);
        r.resolve(boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query{host, "http"}));

    // Send HTTP request using beast
    beast::http::request_v1<beast::http::empty_body> req;
    req.method = "GET";
    req.url = "/";
    req.version = 11;
    req.headers.replace("Host", host + ":" + std::to_string(sock.remote_endpoint().port()));
    req.headers.replace("User-Agent", "Beast");
    beast::http::write(sock, req);

    // Receive and print HTTP response using beast
    beast::streambuf sb;
    beast::http::response_v1<beast::http::streambuf_body> resp;
    beast::http::read(sock, sb, resp);
    std::cout << resp;




You can try cpp-netlib



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