What is ISA K3D x86 Extension?

The Microsoft MASM language includes a directive .K3D

. Documents are sparse:

Includes assembly of K3D instructions.

Inference from other directives seems to be an x86 ISA extension.

I have not found an instance of this term in all Intel Architecture documents. A Google search on intel.com shows 8 results altogether, with nothing useful. A Google search on microsoft.com only finds MASM documents.

What is ISA K3D x86 Extension? Are the documents available?


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1 answer

The directive .K3D

was added to MASM in version 6.13.

From http://www.amd-k6.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/22621.pdf page 8:

To enable MMX instructions, use the .MMX directive.
To enable 3DNow! instructions, use the .K3D directive after using the .MMX directive.
It depends on the order.

If I read the AMD docs correctly, you need to enable .MMX

before enabling .K3D


The etymology of this term is as follows:
AMD named its processors K5, K6, K7, etc.
This is consistent with P5, P6 that Intel used.
Thus, K stands for "AMD-K" and 3D cards for "3D-Now".

The Masm release notes for 6.13 are as rare as the docs:

   .K3D Directive in MASM 6.13
     -------------------------------------------------- -------------------
     The .K3D directive enables assembly of K3D instructions. Users can
     check to see that @Version is 613 or higher to tell if the version
     of MASM being used supports the .K3D directive and K3D instructions.



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