Polygons from coordinates

I have data.frame

s lat

and lng

that define the bounds of rectangular rectangles like

  geohash north_lat south_lat  east_lng  west_lng
1   gbsuv  48.69141  48.64746 -4.306641 -4.350586
2   gbsuy  48.69141  48.64746 -4.262695 -4.306641


What's the simplest way to convert this to an object sf

that contains column POLYGON



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1 answer

The key to creating polygons is that the coordinates must be sequential to form an enclosed area (i.e. the last point is the same as the first point).

This way your data will need a little manipulation to create coordinates and order. In my example, I did it withlapply

Then the rest can be taken from sf examples

lst <- lapply(1:nrow(df), function(x){
  ## create a matrix of coordinates that also 'close' the polygon
  res <- matrix(c(df[x, 'north_lat'], df[x, 'west_lng'],
           df[x, 'north_lat'], df[x, 'east_lng'],
           df[x, 'south_lat'], df[x, 'east_lng'],
           df[x, 'south_lat'], df[x, 'west_lng'],
           df[x, 'north_lat'], df[x, 'west_lng'])  ## need to close the polygon
         , ncol =2, byrow = T
  ## create polygon objects


## st_sfc : creates simple features collection
## st_sf : creates simple feature object
sfdf <- st_sf(geohash = df[, 'geohash'], st_sfc(lst))

# Simple feature collection with 2 features and 1 field
# geometry type:  POLYGON
# dimension:      XY
# bbox:           xmin: 48.64746 ymin: -4.350586 xmax: 48.69141 ymax: -4.262695
# epsg (SRID):    NA
# proj4string:    NA
# geohash                    st_sfc.lst.
# 1   gbsuv POLYGON((48.69141 -4.350586...
# 2   gbsuy POLYGON((48.69141 -4.306641...



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