Why does 31> = 20 return False here when comparing day?

I've debugged this code, but I'm not sure why this returns false instead of true.



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Option Explicit
Option Compare Text

Sub genOP()

Dim wO As Worksheet
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim stDate, enDate, intVal, entR As Long, salDay, salAmt, stTime, enTime, dbMin, dbMax
Dim stRow As Long
Dim cet, curMn

'On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

stDate = STG.Range("B2"): enDate = STG.Range("B4")
intVal = Split(STG.Range("B3"), ","): entR = STG.Range("B5")
salDay = Split(STG.Range("B6"), "-")
salAmt = STG.Range("B7"): stTime = STG.Range("B8"): enTime = STG.Range("B9"): dbMin = STG.Range("B10"): dbMax = STG.Range("B11")

Set wO = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add
TEMP.Cells.Copy wO.Range("A1")

stRow = 19
curMn = Month(stDate)

For i = CLng(stDate) To CLng(enDate)

    If stRow > 19 Then
        wO.Rows(stRow & ":" & stRow).Copy
        wO.Rows(stRow + 1 & ":" & stRow + 1).Insert Shift:=xlDown
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
    End If

    cet = Trim(DESC.Range("A" & WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(2, DESC.UsedRange.Rows.Count)))

    If STG.Range("B14") = "ON" Then
       cet = cet & "Transaction amount " & Chr(34) & "&TEXT(H" & stRow & "," & Chr(34) & "#,##0.00" & Chr(34) & ")&" & Chr(34) & " GEL,"
    End If
    If STG.Range("B13") = "ON" Then
       cet = cet & Chr(34) & "&TEXT(B" & stRow & "-1," & Chr(34) & "dd mmm yyyy" & Chr(34) & ")&" & Chr(34)
    End If
    If STG.Range("B12") = "ON" Then
       cet = cet & " " & Format(stTime + Rnd * (enTime - stTime), "HH:MM AM/PM")
    End If

    If curMn = Month(i) And (Day(i) >= salDay(0) And Day(i) <= salDay(1)) Then  'Salary Day
        cet = Trim(DESC.Range("A" & WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(2, DESC.UsedRange.Rows.Count)))
        wO.Range("B" & stRow) = Format(i, "DD-MM-YYYY")
        wO.Range("I" & stRow) = salAmt
        wO.Range("L" & stRow) = MonthName(Month(i)) & "- Salome Baazov - " & "Geo" & " Ltd "
        curMn = WorksheetFunction.EDate(i, 1)
        wO.Range("B" & stRow) = Format(i, "DD-MM-YYYY")
        wO.Range("H" & stRow) = WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(dbMin, dbMax) + (WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(0, 1) * 0.5)
        wO.Range("L" & stRow) = "=" & Chr(34) & cet & Chr(34)
    End If

    stRow = stRow + 1
    i = i + intVal(WorksheetFunction.RandBetween(LBound(intVal), UBound(intVal))) - 1
Next i

wO.Range("I" & stRow).Formula = "=SUM(I19:I" & stRow - 1 & ")"
wO.Range("H" & stRow).Formula = "=SUM(H19:H" & stRow - 1 & ")"

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
STG.Range("B5") = stRow - 1
MsgBox "Process Completed"

End Sub



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2 answers

Because you are comparing two Variant

with different types (as it turned out after our discussions ... thanks @MatsMug). The result of the comparison is undefined behavior when comparing Variants

different types, one numeric and one string.

Repeat Anomaly Variant .. Consider this MCVE:

Sub Test1()
  Dim i, salday
  i = CDate("5/30/2017")
  salday = Split("20-20-20", "-")

  Debug.Print Day(i), salday(0)                  '  30    20
  Debug.Print Day(i) > salday(0)                 '  False
  Debug.Print Day(i) > CStr(salday(0))           '  True
  '                    ^^^^
  Debug.Print Val(Day(i)) > salday(0)            '  True
  '           ^^^^
End Sub


Although salday (0) is that String Variant

, explicitly converting it to String

with CStr

solved the problem. However, without this transformation, the comparison failed. VBA did not indirectly convert a number to a string or vice versa. It compared two variants of different types and returned the garbage result.

For more about curse Variant read For v = 1 to v and for each v in v - different behavior with different types

As it turns out, using CLng

either Val

to force the comparison of numbers is a safe way, or CStr

to force the comparison of text.

Consider these three simple examples further:

Sub Test1()
  Dim x, y: x = 30: y = "20"
  Debug.Print x > y               ' False !!
End Sub

Sub Test2()
  Dim x As Long, y: x = 30: y = "20"
  '       ^^^^^^
  Debug.Print x > y             ' True
End Sub

Sub Test3()
  Dim x, y As String:  x = 30: y = "20"
  '           ^^^^^^
  Debug.Print x > y             ' True
End Sub


As you can see, when both variables, number and string, were declared as variants, the comparison is garbage. When at least one of them is explicit, the comparison succeeds!



Dim stDate, enDate


This statement declares two variables Variant

. They are assigned here:

stDate = STG.Range("B2"): enDate = STG.Range("B4")


Assuming [B2]

and [B4]

contain the actual date values, at this point the variables contain Variant/Date

. This is because the implicit code here looks like this:

stDate = STG.Range("B2").Value: enDate = STG.Range("B4").Value


But you probably already know that. Moving on.

salDay = Split(STG.Range("B6"), "-")



is also implicit Variant

. However, this instruction is quite loaded. Here's the implicit code:

salDay = Split(CStr(STG.Range("B6").Value), "-")


This makes an salDay

array of strings. So here we are:



The leading space in front 31

is that a spot of negative sign always remains in the immediate area. salDay(0)

is String

, there is no leading space. That was your clue right there.



If salDay(0)

is String

, here we do a string comparison as mentioned . Except that there is no leading seat in front of 31; the implicit code is this because the type Day(i)

is Integer


?CStr(Day(i)) > salDay(0)


The solution is to get rid of it entirely salDay

: you don't need to. Assuming it [B6]

also contains the actual date, you can immediately get the day at Integer




As a bonus, you'll separate your code from the string representation of the underlying date value that is in your sheet, so the change NumberFormat

won't break your code. Always treat dates as such!



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