How to spoof current date for jquery-ui-datepicker

I use my own algorithm to disable dates based on a set of rules that also depend on the current day. To check that I will need to set the current date to a specific date.

I found this thread that just overwrites the javascripts Date function. My problem is that if I do this, the calendar won't work as expected. In most cases, all days are simply missing, sometimes all are off.

var oldDate = Date;
Date = function (fake)
    if( ! fake ) return new oldDate('02/26/2017');

    return new oldDate(fake);
Date.prototype = oldDate.prototype;


How can I try out a datepicker with a custom current date? It should be as easy as setting up a jsfiddle (if possible): My current Fiddle


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4 answers

I'm not so sure about what you need to do, I usually change the time in the operating system, anyway, just:

// DEMO mock date js browser
// comment uncoment to play arround, if you need to automate with or without mock date plain an simple:
mockDateTime('2018/02/02'); // with mock
// mockDateTime() // no mock

    changeMonth: true,
    changeYear: true,
    showButtonPanel: true,
    dateFormat: "m/d/yy"

function mockDateTime(mockDate){
   // to do: validate mock date
   if (mockDate !== undefined && mockDate.length > 0)
     var __Date = Date;
     Date = undefined;
     Date = function()
          // to do: more deep checks on arguments          
          if (arguments.length > 0)
              return new __Date(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
          return new __Date(mockDate);
     Date.prototype = __Date.prototype;

#ui-datepicker-div { font-size: 12px; } 

 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

Date Picker on input field: <input type="text" id="date1" name="date1"/> <br/>

Run codeHide result



Set this property and try to hope you like it.


A type: Boolean

Default: false

When true, the current day link will jump to the currently selected date instead of today. Code examples: Initialize datepicker with gotoCurrent option:

$( ".selector" ).datepicker({
  gotoCurrent: true




Instead of trying to trick the DatePicker, I would do it in logic. That is, if I understand your question correctly. Consider the following design:

  • You have a function that takes a date input, and based on that, it runs your algorithm that calculates invalid dates based on the input date. Whether it's a real fake date, it doesn't matter, works anyway, assuming your wrong date calculator algorithm is working.

  • Using this algorithm, you can always have an array of invalid dates based on the real or fake current date.

  • By providing this DatePicker array, you can determine which dates to disable. (B. beforeShowDay


Works well, no need to hack DatePicker. See implementation example:

function calculateInvalidDatesBasedOnInputDate(inputDate) {
    // your algorithm
    // fake result here, to demonstrate how it works.
    return ["2/14/2017","2/19/2017","2/28/2017"];

var fakeCurrentDate = new Date("2017/02/02");

    changeMonth: true,
    changeYear: true,
    showButtonPanel: true,
    dateFormat: "m/d/yy",
    defaultDate: fakeCurrentDate,
    beforeShowDay: function(date){
        var string = jQuery.datepicker.formatDate('m/d/yy', date);
        return [ calculateInvalidDatesBasedOnInputDate(fakeCurrentDate).indexOf(string) == -1 ]


See the Fiddle here .



You might want to take a look $.datepicker.parseDate( format, value, options )


There are a few exceptions:

  • Invalid arguments if format or value is null
  • 'Missing number at position nn' if the format specifies a numeric value that was not found
  • 'Unknown name at position nn' if the format specifies a day or month name that was not found.
  • 'Unexpected literal at position nn' if format specifies a literal value that was not found
  • "Invalid date" if the date is not valid, for example "02/31/2007"

It is a way to check that you have a valid date and can return a date object built with the provided date value. Then you can use this in your script.

A faster way is to simply set the date and time of your computer (or test virtual machine) to a date and time in the future or in the past. This will be carried over to the browser and then functions like now()

or date()

will give you different results.



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