Angular 2/4 + router animation, wait for the previous route animation to complete

I have the following animation set up on my two routes.

trigger('routeAnimation', [
        transition(':enter', [
            style({ opacity: 0 }),
            animate('1s', style({ backgroundColor: 1 }))
        transition(':leave', [
            style({ backgroundColor: 1 }),
            animate('1s', style({ backgroundColor: 0 }))


They are working correctly. Both are executed when switching from route A to B. However, they are executed at the same time. I would like the TO route to wait for the FROM route exit animation to complete.

I want A to disappear completely before B enters.

Is it possible? Maybe with lifecycle hooks or something?


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1 answer

Waiting for the outgoing route animation to complete before the route animation starts:

const fadeIn = [
  query(':leave', style({ opacity:1 })),
  query(':enter', style({ opacity:0 })),
  query(':leave', animate('200ms', style({ opacity:0 }))),
  query(':enter', animate('200ms', style({ opacity:1 })))



trigger('routerAnimations', [
      transition('route1 => route2', fadeIn)


The animations will play in sequence.

(Updated after suggesting to delay the incoming route by the length of the outgoing route, leading to a detailed solution)



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