Matlab. Place the legend off-site

I have the following code

T = [0:1:30]
a = [5:1:35]; a2 = [0:1:30];
b = [-4:1:26]; b2 = [12:1:42];
c = [16:1:46]; c2 = [15:1:45];
d = [2:1:32]; d2 = [-5:1:25];
title('Time histories of output variables (measured vs estimated)')
subplot(411),plot(T,a, T,a2,'r'); grid; ylabel('p (°/s)'); 
subplot(412),plot(T,b, T,b2,'r'); grid; ylabel('r (°/s)');
subplot(413),plot(T,c, T,c2,'r'); grid; ylabel('phi (º)');
subplot(414),plot(T,d, T,d2,'r'); grid; ylabel('ay (m/s2)');
xlabel('Time [s]');  


What generates the following graph enter image description here

I would like the legend to be out of the plot and they all stay at their normal size. (So ​​the legend should be in one of the red circles. Any solutions?


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2 answers

You can add another subplot to act as an empty region to only hold legend , with axis visibility off and nan

values ​​for 'YData'

detuned lines so they don't display:

hSub = subplot(511); plot(1, nan, 1, nan, 'r'); set(hSub, 'Visible', 'off');
subplot(512); plot(T, a, T, a2, 'r'); grid; ylabel('p (°/s)');
subplot(513); plot(T, b, T, b2, 'r'); grid; ylabel('r (°/s)');
subplot(514); plot(T, c, T, c2, 'r'); grid; ylabel('phi (º)');
subplot(515); plot(T, d, T, d2, 'r'); grid; ylabel('ay (m/s2)');
xlabel('Time [s]');
legend(hSub, 'measured', 'estimated', 'Location', 'east');


And here's the result:

enter image description here



Try to get the positions of the positions using the method get

and manually change the positions by doing some arithmetic. For example,

T = [0:1:30];
a = [5:1:35]; a2 = [0:1:30];
b = [-4:1:26]; b2 = [12:1:42];
c = [16:1:46]; c2 = [15:1:45];
d = [2:1:32]; d2 = [-5:1:25];

title('Time histories of output variables (measured vs estimated)')

f1 = subplot(411);plot(T,a, T,a2,'r'); grid; ylabel('p (°/s)'); 
pos_f1 = get(f1,'Position');
hl = legend('measured','estimated','Location','bestoutside');
pos_hl = get(hl, 'Position');

subplot(412),plot(T,b, T,b2,'r'); grid; ylabel('r (°/s)');
subplot(413),plot(T,c, T,c2,'r'); grid; ylabel('phi (º)');
subplot(414),plot(T,d, T,d2,'r'); grid; ylabel('ay (m/s2)');



This should give you: subplot with changed position

You may have to play around with the parameters on the last line, but you get the idea.



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