How do you get verbose output from ld when using Cargo?

How can you use the ld linker when using Cargo? I have tried several things in .cargo/config

, but with no luck. What are the correct settings? When using gcc directly, I can just do -Wl,--verbose


rustflags = [
    "-C", "prefer-dynamic",
    # "-Z", "pre-link-arg=-pthread",
    "-C", "link-arg=-pthread",
    "-C", "link-arg=-fopenmp",
    # "-C", "link-arg=-LC:/Octave/Octave-4.2.1/lib64/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.9.4",
    # "-C", "link-arg=--sysroot=C:/Octave/Octave-4.2.1",
    # "-Z", "pre-link-args=-LC:/Octave/Octave-4.2.1/lib",
    # "-Z", "pre-link-args=-LC:\\Octave\\Octave-4.2.1\\lib",
    # "-C", "link-arg=--verbose",
    # "-C", "link-arg=-v",
    # "-C", "link-arg=-Wl,--verbose",
    # "-Z", "print-link-args",

linker = "C:/Octave/Octave-4.2.1/bin/gcc.exe"
# rustflags = [
#     "-C", "link-arg=-Wl,--verbose",
# ]

# [term]
# verbose = true


I am trying to create a library for Octave with Rust.


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