Can I hide a built-in module?

I am new to iOS programming.

I want to create an "A" and "A2" framework and make it available for distribution to all iOS app developers.

Both "A" and "A2" use the "B" Framework, and "B" uses the "C" Framework. But I want to hide the built-in frameworks ("B" and "C") from developers who use my framework so that no one knows about it.

can an embedded Swift module be hidden like inner classes or structs?

Thanks in advance.

It is not a question of creating "built-in frameworks" in Xcode. I just don't want anyone to directly import the built-in frameworks ("B", "C")

import A // OK
import B <- problem
import C <- problem
override viewDidLoad() {

    let A = A.default // OK

    A.someAPI() // OK

    B.someAPI() <- problem



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