Failed to set RSA private key as config var

I am trying to deploy an Express application to Heroku. The problem I am facing is Heroku or something twisting the RSA private key string format. I have in mine .env

that runs locally and is stored outside of git:



I originally used to set the above vars instead of doing it manually via the dashboard on Heroku, but this private key failed.

Then I tried to set this value manually by copy / paste (no double quotes) via Heroku dashboard, still failed.

Finally, I am setting the value through heroku config:set

, but still cannot parse it when the application starts.

I even tried replacing \n

with '\n'

, as someone else did here and using quotes with heroku config:set PRIVATE_KEY=""

, but it still doesn't work.

So my question is, is Heroku doing something funky with a long string value? Or am I missing something. The above values ​​are named / used as shown below:

const { credential } = require('firebase-admin')

exports.serviceAccount = {
  type: process.env.TYPE,
  project_id: process.env.PROJECT_ID,
  private_key_id: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY_ID,
  private_key: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY,
  client_email: process.env.CLIENT_EMAIL,
  client_id: process.env.CLIENT_ID,
  auth_uri: process.env.AUTH_URI,
  token_uri: process.env.TOKEN_URI,
  auth_provider_x509_cert_url: process.env.AUTH_CERT_URL,
  client_x509_cert_url: process.env.CLIENT_CERT_URL

exports.credential = credential.cert(exports.serviceAccount)

exports.databaseURL = process.env.DATABASE_URL

exports.adminConfig = {
  credential: exports.credential,
  databaseURL: exports.databaseURL


And the logs from Heroku:

2017-06-05T01:50:13.761150+00:00 app[web.1]: > NODE_ENV=production node ./server/
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231853+00:00 app[web.1]: /app/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/auth/credential.js:129
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231876+00:00 app[web.1]:             throw new error_1.FirebaseAppError(error_1.AppErrorCodes.INVALID_CREDENTIAL, 'Failed to parse private key: ' + error);
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231877+00:00 app[web.1]:             ^
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231878+00:00 app[web.1]:
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231878+00:00 app[web.1]: Error: Failed to parse private key: Error: Invalid PEM formatted message.
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231883+00:00 app[web.1]:     at FirebaseAppError.FirebaseError [as constructor] (/app/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/utils/error.js:39:28)
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231884+00:00 app[web.1]:     at new FirebaseAppError (/app/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/utils/error.js:84:23)
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231885+00:00 app[web.1]:     at new Certificate (/app/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/auth/credential.js:129:19)
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231886+00:00 app[web.1]:     at new CertCredential (/app/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/auth/credential.js:195:33)
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231887+00:00 app[web.1]:     at Object.cert (/app/node_modules/firebase-admin/lib/firebase-namespace.js:189:58)
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231887+00:00 app[web.1]:     at Object.<anonymous> (/app/server/firebase/index.js:16:33)
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231888+00:00 app[web.1]:     at Module._compile (module.js:569:30)
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231888+00:00 app[web.1]:     at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:580:10)
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231889+00:00 app[web.1]:     at Module.load (module.js:503:32)
2017-06-05T01:50:14.231889+00:00 app[web.1]:     at tryModuleLoad (module.js:466:12)



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1 answer

I managed to solve my problem using the comment suggestion I found here .

So, in the Heroku dashboard for an application, I set the value PRIVATE_KEY

to a double quote:

private key screenshot

Then I changed

private_key: process.env.PRIVATE_KEY


private_key: JSON.parse(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY)

and finally redistributed through git push heroku master

and the app starts fine.



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