The content of the menu button is displayed in the title of the application

I have a list of paper items and paper-menu-button

each list has a property dynamic-align

set to true. It works fine in most cases, but at some point the menu goes under app-header

and cannot access this option.

demo code and pictures below

<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{teamMembers}}">
   <div role="listbox">
     <paper-icon-item class="listbox-item">

      <fop-avatar string="A"></fop-avatar> 

      <paper-item-body class="item-details">
        <div class="name">member name [[index]]</div>
        <div class="title">member title</div>

      <paper-menu-button style="color:#0B746E;" dynamic-align="true">

          <paper-icon-button style="height: 24px;width:24px;" icon="help" class="dropdown-trigger" alt="menu"></paper-icon-button>

          <paper-menu style="padding: 0;" class="dropdown-content" on-iron-activate="_modifyRolesQueues">
              <paper-item> option A </paper-item>
              <paper-item> option B </paper-item>
              <paper-item> option C </paper-item>
              <paper-item> option D </paper-item>
              <paper-item> option E </paper-item>
              <paper-item> option F </paper-item>
              <paper-item> option G </paper-item>




snapshots when member name is clicked 2.6 and 4 respectively

when clicking on participant name 2 when you click on the participant's name 6 <img src = "" alt = "when you click on member 4 name">


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