Proxy in package .json does not affect fetch request

I am trying to get some data from a development server using React.

I work with the client in localhost:3001

, and the server side in port 3000


Request to receive:

 const laina = fetch('/api/users');
    laina.then((err,res) => {


When I start my development server and webpack-dev-server, I get the following output:

GET http://localhost:3001/api/users 404 (Not Found)


I tried to specify a proxy in package.json so that it would pass the request to the API server, but nothing changed.

Here is my package.json file :

enter image description here

.. and webpack.config : enter image description here

Please tell me if you need to see something else from my project. I am sorry if I missed something and was not thorough, I am still quite new to these technologies.


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4 answers

You can change the get request API url with the fully qualified hostname, as



also make sure you have enabled CORS

on your backend

If you want to redirect via webpack you can try devServer.proxy


devServer: { 
    inline: true, 
    contentBase: './dist', 
    port: 3001, 
    proxy: { "/api/**": { target: 'http://localhost:3000', secure: false }  }




In package.json

"proxy": {
    "/api/users": {
        "target": "http://localhost:3000"




I know I'm a little late for the game, but I'll leave it here for future reference.

For the devServer proxy to work properly, you must specify an HTTP Accepts header other than "text / html". Do this with an init object, which fetch takes as its second argument. Simple example:

.then(res => {
    return res.json();
.then(json => console.log(json) )
.catch( a => { console.log(a) });


The reason for this is that the WebPack Dev Server usually uses a context / namespace to differentiate between what to serve and what to send. The create-react-application scripts do not extract the namespace from the proxy path in the file package.json

. Instead, scripts have a default, overconfident behavior that any request other than HTTP GET will be redirected. Also, anything that uses HTTP GET but NOT text/html

as a header Accepts

will be redirected.

The reason is that most React apps are SPA (Single Page Apps) that use AJAX / Fetch to interact with some APIs. APIs usually use JSON or XML, but not text/html




Webpack Dev Server uses devServer.proxy

in your Webpack config to control proxy requests.



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