Get headers from HTTP response

I'm new to elm, I have a login api that returns a JWT token in their hedras

curl  http://localhost:4000/api/login?email=bob@example&password=1234



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXyLp0aSI6ImefP2GOWEFYWM47ig2W6nrhw
x-expires: 1499255103
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8



now i am trying to write a function that will send a request and return a token from headers in knitting

authUser =
    Http.send "http://localhost:4000/api/login?email=bob@example&password=1234"


how can i do it in a simple way?


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2 answers

To extract a header from a response, you will need to use it in Http.request

conjunction with a function expectStringResponse

that includes the complete response, including headers.

The function expectStringResponse

takes on a value Http.Response a

, so we can create a function that takes the header name and response and then returns Ok headerValue

or Err msg

depending on whether the header was found:

extractHeader : String -> Http.Response String -> Result String String
extractHeader name resp =
    Dict.get name resp.headers
        |> Result.fromMaybe ("header " ++ name ++ " not found")


This can be used by the query builder as follows:

getHeader : String -> String -> Http.Request String
getHeader name url =
        { method = "GET"
        , headers = []
        , url = url
        , body = Http.emptyBody
        , expect = Http.expectStringResponse (extractHeader name)
        , timeout = Nothing
        , withCredentials = False


Here's an

that returns content-type

an example value . You can substitute "authorization"

for your own purposes.



May I humbly suggest that you look at my elm-jwt library and get there ?

Jwt.get token "/api/data" dataDecoder
    |> Jwt.send DataResult


JWT points should usually be sent as a header Authorization

and this function helps you create a request type that can be passed to Http.send




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