Add character between lines in C ++

So, basically I am trying to add a character in the middle of the line. Usually in something like Python, this would be pretty straightforward, but I'm really not sure how to achieve this in C ++. What I am trying to achieve looks something like this:

void converter(){
    converted = ":regional_indicator_" + character + ":";



Basically, I am trying to add a variable of character

type char to a string. Should I store the character as a string instead?

For reference, here's all my code:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

string inputLine;
char character;
string converted;

void input(){
    cout << "Please input the text in which you would like to be converted" << endl;
    cin >> inputLine;

void converter(){
    converted = ":regional_indicator_" + character + ":";

int main(){
    for (int i = 0; i < inputLine.length(); i++ ){
        character = tolower(inputLine[i]);
    return 0;



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4 answers

You can do it like this:

converted = ":regional_indicator_" + std::string(1, character) + ":";


This works because adding a string literal ( const char *

) to a string yields a string. But adding const char *

and char results in pointer arithmetic. So, building std::string

from "character", you get const char *

+ std::string

, giving the string, and then std::string

+ const char *

again outputs the string as the final result.



Add s

behind string literals to treat them like s std::string

instead const char*


converted = ":regional_indicator_"s + character + ":"s;


You will need to do either using namespace std::literals

or using namespace std::string_literals

for it to work.

On the side of the note, in C ++, it's weird to have a function converter()

to change a global variable using another global variable. Perhaps you should consider passing character

as a parameter to a function.



You can avoid calling std :: string () constructor and memory allocation by using the following. I tested this before posting and it works:

void converter(){
    converted = ":regional_indicator_";


This is better because the "converted" already has spare memory, so you simply fill that additional memory with two more characters and you won't allocate new memory.



With the wasy method, you can use std :: ostringstream like this:

void converter(){

    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << ":regional_indicator_" << character << ":";

    converted = oss.str(); // copy the string out

    // ... etc ...


An additional advantage of this method is that it automatically converts numbers to strings.

This is not the fastest way, so if speed was important, I would take advantage of the static nature of this concatenation like this:

std::string converter(){

    static char* template = ":regional_indicator_X:";
    template[20] = character; // replace the `X` with your character
    converted.assign(template, 21); // assign your string all at once

    // ... etc ...


This works because your string is of a fixed length. If thread safety is required, you can use thread_local static char* template...




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