Select the last increment of the value column by id

I'm trying to just subset, but I have a little problem with applying both of my conditions at the same time. I want to select for each unique ID the most recent record where the value column has increased. For example, here is a simplified version of my data.

ID| Date | Value
A  1/1/17  100
A  1/2/17  185
A  1/3/17  40
A  1/4/17  100
A  1/5/17  30
B  1/3/17  40
B  1/4/17  30
B  1/5/17  65
B  1/6/17  80
B  1/7/17  0
B  1/8/17  0


Whereas my desired output would be a string where the last increase in value took place for each id

ID| Date | Value
A  1/4/17  100
A  1/6/17  80


Does anyone have any idea how I can achieve the desired result? Thank.


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2 answers

Two steps:

select t.*
from (select t.*,
             row_number() over (partition by id order by date desc) as seqnum
      from (select t.*,
                   max(value) over (partition by id order by date rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding) as prev_value
            from t
           ) t
      where prev_value < value
     ) t
where seqnum = 1;


In Teradata, you can also use qualify

to remove one level of subqueries.



You can try this.

select id,dt,value 
from (select t1.*
      ,max(case when t2.value<t1.value then t1.dt end) over(partition by as max_dt 
      from (select t.*,min(dt) over(partition by id order by dt rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding) as prev_dt
            from t
           ) t1
      join t t2 on t1.prev_dt=t2.dt and             
     ) t
where max_dt=dt  




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