Using Pug and SCSS with Angular (ng-model)
I am trying to learn Angular at the same time with Pug and SCSS, my current problem is concept related ng-class
. My code looks like this:
HTML (in Pug)
input#theSearch(type='text' ng-model="theSearch")
span(ng-class ="{'test': isEven()}") Example Text
.test {
angular.module("root", [])
.controller("index",["$scope",function($scope) {
$scope.theSearch = 1;
$scope.isEven = function () { return $scope.theSearch % 2 === 0; };
So, ideally this will react when the user enters an even number and turns span
red and also increases the size. It is currently unchanged despite even the input. I suspect this is some kind of rookie syntax error, but any advice on the matter would be most appreciated.
Side notes: I am in the CodePen environment. Pug enabled, SCSS enabled, Bootstrap enabled, Angular 1.6.1. All html is contained in main.container-fluid(ng-app="root")
. Thank you in advance!
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