How to use words in brackets in a sentence

I am using the following code to capitalize each word in a sentence, but I cannot use words with parentheses attached.

PHP code:

     $str = "[this is the {command line (interface ";
     $output  = ucwords(strtolower($str));
     echo $output;



[this Is The {command Line (interface

But my expected output should be:

[this Is The {command Line (interface

How can I handle words with parentheses? There may be multiple parentheses.

For example:

[{this is the ({command line ({(interface

I want to find a general solution / function in PHP.


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2 answers

$output = ucwords($str, ' [{(');
echo $output;
// output ->
// [This Is The {Command Line (Interface


Update: general solution. Here "bracket" is any non-letter character. Any letter following the "parenthesis" is converted to uppercase.

$string = "test is the {COMMAND line -STRET (interface 5more 9words #here";
$strlowercase = strtolower($string);

$result = preg_replace_callback('~(^|[^a-zA-Z])([a-z])~', function($matches)
    return $matches[1] . ucfirst($matches[2]);
}, $strlowercase);

// string(62) "Test Is The {Command Line -Stret (Interface 5More 9Words #Here"


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This is another solution, you can add more delimiters to the array for each loop if you want to handle more characters.

function ucname($string) {
    $string =ucwords(strtolower($string));

    foreach (array('-', '\'') as $delimiter) {
      if (strpos($string, $delimiter)!==false) {
        $string =implode($delimiter, array_map('ucfirst', explode($delimiter, $string)));
    return $string;

$names =array(
  'geordi la forge',
  'bEvErly CRuSHeR'
foreach ($names as $name) { print ucname("{$name}\n<br />"); }

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