Converting a list of objects with a map to an array of primitives

I keep finding pieces of something that I need to do, but I'm having trouble getting it. For starters, here's my object, just:

        Map<String, Double>


What I need to do, starting with a list Object1

, get double[]

for the map values โ€‹โ€‹given by a specific key (all objects in the list have the same N keys in the map).

Here's my starting attempt: -> m.get(key).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new))


I'm not sure how to get to the primitive array from here. If it's okay so far, where do I go from here? If there is a better way to do all this, I am open to suggestions. Any help is appreciated, thanks.


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1 answer

Use .mapToDouble

to do DoubleStream

    .mapToDouble(m -> m.get(key))  // or throw if key is not in map




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