I want to get data via fromDate & toDate by working code

here is my stored procedure ... this stored procedure showing fordate and toate result on employee code, aggregate function to differentiate checkIn and checkout ... it shows data for checkout time for one date only, problem is I need this in for several days ...

If anyone knows what the problem is, kindly share your experience with me and point out my mistakes in the request ... I will be grateful

Here are the script tables

 CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ras_AttRecord](
        [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
        [DN] [smallint] NULL,
        [DIN] [bigint] NOT NULL,
        [Clock] [datetime] NOT NULL,
        [VerifyMode] [tinyint] NULL,
        [AttTypeId] [char](3) NOT NULL,
        [CollectDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
        [LastUpdatedUID] [int] NULL,
        [LastUpdatedDate] [datetime] NULL,
        [Remark] [nvarchar](64) NULL

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ras_Users](
        [UID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [DIN] [bigint] NOT NULL,
        [PIN] [varchar](32) NOT NULL,
        [UserName] [nvarchar](64) NULL,
        [Sex] [char](1) NOT NULL,
        [Password] [nvarchar](32) NULL,
        [PasswordQuestion] [nvarchar](64) NULL,
        [PasswordAnswer] [nvarchar](32) NULL,
        [IsApproved] [bit] NOT NULL,
        [IsLockedOut] [bit] NOT NULL,
        [CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,
        [LastLoginDate] [datetime] NULL,
        [DeptId] [varchar](64) NOT NULL,
        [AttId] [char](4) NULL,
        [RuleId] [char](4) NULL,
        [WeekendId] [char](4) NULL,
        [LastUpdatedUID] [int] NULL,
        [LastUpdatedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
        [Comment] [nvarchar](128) NULL


I am using this stored procedure

ALTER  PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetLateComersmonthly]       
    @FromDate DATE='05/22/2017', 
    @ToDate DATE='06/06/2017',       
    @Code varchar(6)  ='3155'      
    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from        
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.        
    SET NOCOUNT ON;       
    IF  @Code = '0'        
    SET @Code = null      

    -- Insert statements for procedure here        
        T1.DIN as [DIN], 
        min(T1.Date) as [Date], 
        min(T1.Time) as [Time], 
            WHEN max(T2.Time) = max(T1.Time) THEN '' 
            ELSE max(T2.Time)  end as [Timee], min(T1.Day) as [Day],
            WHEN concat(CONVERT(varchar,DATEDIFF(MINUTE,min(T1.Time),max(t2.Time)),108)/60,
                        CONVERT(varchar,DATEDIFF(MINUTE,min(T1.Time),max(t2.Time))%60,108)) = '0:0' 
            THEN 'No Check Out' 
            ELSE concat(CONVERT(varchar,DATEDIFF(MINUTE,min(T1.Time),max(t2.Time)),108)/60, 
            END AS hrs
            UserName , 
            CONVERT(varchar, Att.Clock, 101) AS Date, 
            CONVERT(varchar, Att.Clock, 108) AS Time, 
            att.VerifyMode as Mode, DATENAME(dw, Att.Clock) AS Day        
            ras_Users as ru        
            inner join ras_AttRecord as att ON ru.DIN = att.Din        
        where  CONVERT(DATE,Clock) >= @FromDate 
                and CONVERT(DATE,Clock)<=@ToDate 
                and att.DIN = COALESCE (@Code,  att.DIN) 
                and att.VerifyMode = 15   
        ) as T1 
        left join 
            max(CONVERT(varchar, Att.Clock, 108)) AS Time  
            ras_Users as ru        
            inner join ras_AttRecord as att ON ru.DIN = att.Din        
         where  CONVERT(DATE,Clock) >= @FromDate 
                and  CONVERT(DATE,Clock)<=@ToDate 
                and att.DIN = COALESCE (@Code,  att.din) 
         group by ru.DIN, att.Clock 
        ) as  T2  on T1.DIN = T2.DIN --and DATEDIFF(MINUTE,T1.Time,t2.Time)/60 < 9
    group by 
    -- having CONVERT(varchar, min(T1.Time), 108) > '09:30:00'   
    order by T1.din



shows the following result:

Displaying the current record

Userid  Date            CheckIn         CheckOut    Day       total hours
    3155    05/26/2017  09:15:10    17:15:00  Friday      8:0
    3155    05/29/2017  09:08:36    17:15:00  Monday      8:7
    3155    05/25/2017  09:34:28    17:15:00  Thursday        7:41
    3155    05/30/2017  09:15:12    17:15:00  Tuesday     8:0
    3155    05/31/2017  09:27:37    17:15:00  Wednesday       7:48


and I need the following result: Expected result

  Userid      Date        CheckIn         CheckOut         day  total hours
3155    05/26/2017  09:15:10    17:00:00    Friday    8:0
3155    05/29/2017  09:08:36    17:05:00    Monday    8:7
3155    05/25/2017  09:34:28    17:30:00    Thursday  7:41
3155    05/30/2017  09:15:12    17:18:00    Tuesday   8:0
3155    05/31/2017  09:27:37    17:10:00    Wednesday 7:48



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